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Frequently asked questions

We’ve taken the time to compile some answers to questions we are commonly asked about orthodontic treatment.

An Orthodontist went through the same dental training as dentists, but then went on to a further 2-3 years of specialised training. In this training, they learned how to correct misalignments of the teeth and jaws.

Every patient’s treatment at nq ortho is 100% custom, and so are their treatment costs. We won’t know the cost of your treatment for sure until you come in for your first consultation. nq ortho offers flexible payment plans to help your new smile fit into your budget.

As long as you still have healthy teeth and gums, you are never too old for orthodontic treatment.

An Orthodontist went through the same dental training as dentists, but then went on to a further 2-3 years of specialised training. In this training, they learned how to correct misalignments of the teeth and jaws.

While getting used to your treatment, it can be easy to misplace your aligners after taking them out for meals. For this reason, we recommend NOT putting them in a napkin while you eat.

If you do happen to lose a set of aligners, contact the nq Ortho team. If you are due to switch to a new set of aligners soon, we might recommend you switch ahead of schedule.

Because we offer the Damon® System, discomfort shouldn't be as severe as it would be with regular braces. If you do experience pain, don't stress, it just means your teeth are moving! To ease the pain and discomfort of your braces, sipping or swirling cold water around in your mouth will relax the wires and provide you with relief.

It is also normal to experience mild soreness when fitted with clear aligners or any new orthodontic appliance. This discomfort should disappear in a few days and be easily managed with over-the-counter pain relief.

If your teeth are loose don't worry, they're not falling out! Your teeth at times may feel a little loose but this is just caused by the widening of the fluid sack at the base of the tooth, which sometimes happens when your teeth are moving.

Keep playing the sports that you love! It's best to wear a mouthguard when you're playing sports to protect your teeth and orthodontic appliance, but there's no reason to stop contact sports altogether.

If you feel like something is loose or broken, please give us a call. Even if we can't fit you in for an appointment immediately, we can guide you through some temporary fixes that you can carry out at home.

Get in touch with our team to get a quick answer. We want to make sure you are happy and confident every step of the way through treatment.

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